What to expect
Your safety is of primary concern. We work closely with the study doctors to ensure proper medical coverage and oversight during your participation. We take our responsibility seriously and believe in providing each research volunteer with care, adequate information, dignity, respect, and treating them as individual human beings.
Thinking of volunteering?
It starts with volunteers like you, everyday people, becoming everyday heroes.
When I volunteer, what can I expect?
At your first visit to the office, a Remington-Davis Study Coordinator will review the consent form with you and explain the study. By signing the consent form, you agree to take part in the study. Participation is completely voluntary, and you may choose to withdraw from the study at any time. You will be given information as to who may see your medical information and how your confidentiality will be maintained.
Who is eligible to participate?
Each research study has a set of guidelines that may be based on:
- Age
- Gender
- Type of disease or condition
- Previous treatment and other medical considerations
What is informed consent?
Informed Consent is a process based upon a document that explains:
- Why the study is being done
- What you may expect during participation
- Risks and benefits of participation
- Alternative therapies that may be available for your condition
- How your information will be kept confidential
- Voluntary nature of research – you may end your participation at any time
What is standard of care?
As a study participant, you will be under the care of study doctors (also called Investigators), who will be assisted by the study Coordinator. You may experience more tests and clinic visits than you normally would (Standard of Care) for your condition under the guidelines of the research study.
Will participating benefit me?
Clinical research studies may provide study related procedures, such as laboratory tests, medications, and study related doctor care at no cost for volunteers participating in clinical trials. There is no guarantee that participation will benefit you directly, although there may still be a benefit to others, via advancing medical knowledge.
Are there any risks?
The nature and purpose of clinical research is to determine effectiveness, side effects, and safety of the investigational medication or device. Every clinical study conducted in the US is approved and monitored by an independent committee of physicians, statisticians, community advocates, and others that ensure a clinical study is ethical and that the participants’ rights are protected. Participation in a clinical trial has inherent risks. Ask a Remington-Davis Study Coordinator for more information about a particular study.